
This is a personal weblog.The opinions and views expressed here are mine and do not reflect those of any other individuals. In addition, my thoughts and opinions do change. But on this subject.. not a chance!

All original material is copyrighted and property of the author. All images that appear on the site may be copyrighted by their respective owners and I claim no credit for them unless otherwise noted. If you own the rights to any of the images and do not wish them to appear on the site please advise immediately and they will be promptly removed.

2 Responses to “Disclaimer”

  1. Carol Says:

    Hi. I have visited your site numerous times recently but for the first time today I started to look through the Abuse Resource Videos. Thank you. I am really able to watch them today, after months of refusing/being unable to listen to the messages. I have kept hope that things would change, I have experienced the loss and depression, and hopelessness. I know the words “I need to reclaim myself” but I am struggling to do so. Thank you so much for your site, for your honest expression of your feelings, and for providing the resources.

  2. Graeme Harvey Says:

    As a male victim of DV I was pleased to read most of your site refers to “abuser” which is gender neutral sadly though your pie chart in every section refers to HIM or HE as the abuser which is very misleading and reinforces the myth that all abusers are male which appears to be the attitude prevalent within the emergency and social services here in the UK. I escaped from my abuser over 12 years ago, I have long since come to terms with my situation and received a lot of support through hypnotherapy. I subsequently trained and became a Clinical Hypnotherapist and I specialise freeing clients from all aspects of damaged or low self esteem which includes all aspects of abuse. I recently published a new hypnotherapy protocol which is now in use by therapists around the world, The Clearance has proven to be highly successful in resolving this type of issue and includes rebuilding the Self Esteem and confidence. I also know from experience and research that positive affirmations are counter productive with people who have seriously damaged self esteem. Hypnotherapy is fast efficient and permanent so please do consider trying it. It saved my life and sanity.

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